The camp stretches along a cosy canyon of Lumbovka river, just 10 kilometres from the estuary, just in place to catch in the evening fresh fish which ran upstream in the same morning. A long stretching and diverse home pool is a marvel to fish, with many access points from the camp and down the stream. We accommodate up to 10 guests and have top of the class Finnish built facilities for guests to enjoy.
The camp stretches along a cosy canyon of Lumbovka river, just 10 kilometres from the estuary, just in place to catch in the evening fresh fish which ran upstream in the same morning. A long stretching and diverse home pool is a marvel to fish, with many access points from the camp and down the stream. We accommodate up to 10 guests and have top of the class Finnish built facilities for guests to enjoy.
Kola Reserve have invested heavily in the operation and the camp will be one of the most luxurious on the Kola. The ideology behind camp was to create an extension to the home of the owner and create the high-end experience suitable for the select fisherman of the world.
The camp, situated close to a magnificent home pool on the Lumbovka, will offer warm, spacious, single-occupancy duplex cabins with en suite and showers, queen beds, superb high end cuisine, internet access, a well-stocked open bar, and other first-class amenities that defy the remote, arctic environment.
Beautifully appointed, the lodge will offer elegantly furnished private rooms, featuring big, comfortable beds, ensuite showers and excellent drying facilities.
A large and comfortable Banya will allow anglers to soothe away the aches and pains of a long day wading and walking the river.
A well-stocked bar will offer an excellent of beers, wines and spirits, including some carefully selected premium Russian vodkas.
On warm summer evenings, anglers will be able to enjoy an icy beer ‘al fresco’, while prime rib sizzles on the outdoor barbeque. In autumn, the guests may choose to wrap up warm and huddle around the fire-pit to enjoy a nip of fine single malt whisky and gaze up at the northern lights or the sparkling stars of the northern sky.
Reviews on service and infrastructure from our guests visiting us last season have been astounding, with complements to incredible design and thoughtfulness with pioneering hospitality to the Kola. Yet we continuously aim to improve the infrastructure and implement every feedback from our guests.